
February 28, 2024

Preparing for Guests

When we are expecting company, Carol and I do some extra cleaning and straightening up our home. We want our welcome to be warm without distractions.

As a church we will be having many guests with us on Easter Sunday—March 31st. To get ready we need to do the same. There is some deep cleaning to do. We need to push our construction project forward so it isn’t a distraction. We need to be in prayer that God will meet each one who joins us that Sunday. We can do our part in inviting people from our sphere of influence to join us.

The month of March is this time of preparation. We encourage you to engage fully in this preparation in the ways you can. Working together we make a difference in northern Clark County!

Workday—8:30 am Saturday

We need your help this Saturday! We have a variety of projects that need attention before Easter:

Construction: Create a floor access for our electrical work. Create an upper attic access door. Patch the sheetrock hole in the lobby. Install a door in the storage area off the new stairway. Prime the ceiling below the balcony. Sand and varnish the window sills. Install trim on the new construction.

Cleaning: Clean windows. Wipe down overspray in the sanctuary. Dusting in the worship center & lobby. Clean the pews in the balcony.

Landscape Maintenance: Prune the 5th street trees. Clean up the planters. Edge the sidewalks. Pressure wash the 5th Street sidewalk.

Look over the above lists and come prepared to help.

By Easter?

We are hoping to wrap up much of our current construction project by Easter. This will entail finishing the sheetrock, painting, trim work, new house lights, and carpeting the new stairway. Your gifts and time have made this possible.

Discover Your Place—Noon March 17th

If you are new to La Center Church we invite you to have lunch on us on March 17th. At our Discover Your Place luncheon we will answer your questions and go over our mission, history, beliefs, and how we function as a church. This is the first step toward membership. 

Let us know you can come

The Search Process

The pastoral search committee is currently reviewing individuals that were matched and screened through our denomination. On Monday we received another five candidates for this role. We do ask you to keep this process in your prayers as we seek God’s man for this important role at La Center Church.

Renovate! ‘24

We again have set a goal to raise an additional $25,000 this year for our worship center renovation. Our projects include finishing up the tech booth, updating the stage lighting, and carpeting the worship center. We encourage you to consider how you could participate in our offering in May. Possible sources of giving could come from tax returns, savings or investment accounts, or by giving monthly out of your regular income.