Thank you for your interest in volunteering for this year's Kidztown Summer Adventure! Here is some information about the Summer Adventure Team. Scroll down to sign up!
Adventure Guides are responsible for keeping kids together during the assembly time and leading them to and from activities. Adventure Guides also assist kids who need help with activities. Ideally kids will be split into groups of 10-15 with at least 2 adults (or 1 adult, 1 teen) per group. Groups may go up to 20 kids if more volunteers are available.
Craft Team members will select crafts to be made, make a list of supplies needed, sort and prep craft items prior to VBS. During VBS week the Craft Team will prepare the room and daily crafts for each class.
Snack Team members will make a list of food items needed, sort and prep food items prior to VBS. During VBS week the Snack Team will set up outdoor eating area, serve snacks, and clean up.
Game Team members will choose the outdoor games to be played and put together items needed to each game. Each day during VBS, Game Team members will set up and lead the games for each class. At the end of each day they will put away all game related items.
Activity Center Team: We will have two activity centers. Our curriculum has a variety of activities relating to our national park theme. to choose from. Team members will set up and lead kids through the daily activities.
Drama Team: Prior to VBS, the Drama Team members will put together costumes and props needed for the daily dramas in addition to practicing their lines. During VBS week, the Drama Team will perform daily during the morning assembly.
Painters & Decorators: We will needed a stage backdrop and props made to go along with the daily skit. Painters will coordinate with Naomi to find out what is needed. The lobby and classrooms will also need decorations.
Greeters: During VBS week the greeters will show up prior to the start of the program. As kids come in, the greeters will hand out wristbands and park passes to those kids who have pre-registered for the program.
All volunteers will need to complete background check.
Download background check form