james: Faith Tested

  • James calls on his Jewish Christian brethren who are experiencing hardship throughout the world in following Christ to hold strong and rely on God. He talks of trials, endurance and faith.

    Read James 1:1-12

    1. When did you last find joy in a trial?

    2. Where does our endurance come from?

    3. Compare people living in doubt with those who live in faith. What are some key differences?

    4. What should a Christian’s perception of success be compared to the world’s?

    5. What is rewarded for our endurance?

    6. What else is key for us to be rewarded?

    Prayer - Are there struggles that your group can pray for? Are faithful to accept God’s answer to your prayer with joy no matter the result?

    Assignment - Find joy in the trials. Do not allow yourself to become bitter when things don’t go your way. Think about what a successful life for yourself is.

  • James encourages Jewish Christ followers to take accountability and search within themselves. He calls for honesty and for action.

    Read James 1:13-27

    1. Why do we blame our weakness on God?

    2. What attributes of God are mentioned? How does meditating on these attributes affect your faith?

    3. What is our way out of death?

    4. With the current state of the world are you faithful in following verse 19-21?

    5. Do we care more about our reflections than our actual selves?

    6. What is the perfect law? Define liberty. How does this affect your faith?

    7. How is the Christian Church or even your own life measuring up to the pure and undefiled religion in the sight of God?

    Prayer - As you ask for prayer this week, focus on following through. Don’t just hear God’s word but put it into action.

    Assignment - Acknowledge when things make you angry. Be honest with yourself using this text if it’s worth something to be angry about. If you feel comfortable, share with the group your strategies when you meet those moments of anger.

  • James implores fellow Jewish Christians not to look down on others. The Jewish people had become arrogant and self righteous. Here he explores the thought process of treating others in a new way.

    Read James 2:1-13

    1. What should our attitude in faith be? How should we treat those in the church?

    2. Think about success in week 1. What is our spiritual class in the kingdom of God?

    3. We are made in God’s image. How should we reflect this image in how we treat others?

    4. What is the royal law? How would you connect this to the perfect law?

    5. Is there a hierarchy to sin? Do you rank sins and judge others more harshly on that?

    6. What place does mercy have in the Christian life compared to judgement?

    Prayer - This week as you pray, ask yourself if you’re praying with a selfish heart or a merciful heart.

    Assignment - See if you recognize if you ever place someone in higher regard because of their status in life. Challenge yourself to show mercy when you feel compelled to react in judgement.

  • James has heard a lot of speaking & hearing without action. He makes a bold statement on faith and calls out those who are spiritually dead.

    Read James 2:14-26

    1. How do we manifest our faith? Compare this to what James says in 1:22.

    2. How often do we speak empty words?

    3. Believing God is real doesn’t save us. What components make our faith real?

    4. Read Ephesians 2:8-10. Are the works performed in faith our own?

    5. Faith & works are a packaged deal. What are some of the dangers that come from separating the two?

    6. What qualifications does a person need for God to use them for His works?

    7. Read Revelations 3:15-22. Are there similarities between the church of Laodicea and what James is warning about?

    Prayer - As you pray this week, pray for a humble spirit as you do good works.

    Assignment - Ask yourself if the good works you do are for yourself or are from God. Give glory to God in the things you do. Be active in your faith, don’t put God on the back burner.

  • James explores the responsibility that church leaders have. He emphasizes the power of the spoken word.

    Read James 3:1-12

    1. Should we strive to be teachers? What are some of the pitfalls?

    2. What are the implied hardships of those leading in the church? How have you seen this be taken advantage of?

    3. How have you seen words ruin a person’s life? How have you seen them ruin churches?

    4. Do we often take small words for granted? What negative outcomes have you seen because of this?

    5. How often do we acknowledge the power of the human spirit? All humanity is made in God’s likeness not just believers, why do we curse God’s creation so often?

    6. Do you find yourself falling into a two-faced nature? What can you do to keep yourself from blessing God & then flipping around cursing another person.

    Prayer - This week as you pray, be encouraged to pray for the leaders in the church.

    Assignment - Think about the words you say. Is there a motive behind them? Is that motive for the glory of God?

  • James explores the importance of wisdom.

    Read James 3:13-18

    1. Is wisdom only spoken?

    2. Do you feel people in the church are honest with themselves and each other about jealousy?

    3. Compare earthly wisdom to wisdom from above.

    4. What qualifies as heavenly wisdom?

    5. Compare this to James 1:5.

    Prayer - This week in your prayers, seek wisdom from above.

    Assignment - Don’t act with selfish ambition. Act with qualities of heavenly wisdom.

  • James warns his Christian brethren about the dangers of the world and arrogance.

    Read James 4:1-10

    1. Do you think there are people who instigate drama in the church just for enjoyment?

    2. What does James say is the root cause of this behavior?

    3. Describe being a friend of the world. How is this different from loving people in the world? Refer to 1 John 2:7-11; 15-17.

    4. What causes God’s jealousy? How does rendering ourselves humble play into this?

    5. Should we be afraid of the devil?

    6. What James’ thoughts on feeling emotion?

    Prayer - This week as you ask for prayer, be honest with yourself about the true motives behind the prayer.

    Assignment - Be encouraged to explore your emotions. Don’t bury them deep, but feel free to express what you’re feeling. Don’t mask what’s inside.

  • James warns his Christian brethren about the dangers of trying to control things and act on God’s behalf.

    Read James 4:11-17

    1. What is our place in other people’s actions?

    2. Does this apply when disciplining within the church? Refer to Matthew 18:15-17.

    3. Should our confidence be in our own actions?

    4. How does giving situations & their outcomes to God make you feel?

    5. God opposes the proud. So where does arrogance leave you in God’s sight?

    6. Have you not done the right thing cause it might be uncomfortable?

    Prayer - This week pray that in all situations that you accept God’s will.

    Assignment - Try to act in the right way in all circumstances. Even ones that might make you feel uncomfortable.

  • James feels strongly about men who are using their riches for ill gain. Encourages Christians to support each other.

    Read James 5

    1. Describe James’ feelings on the selfish and rich.

    2. Does God listen to the cries of the oppressed?

    3. What is James’ encouragement to the downtrodden?

    4. How much did the prophets endure? Use them as your models of endurance.

    5. Do you often find yourself making empty promises? In what context?

    6. Does the western church take prayer and anointing seriously?

    7. How important is accountability?

    Prayer - As you pray this week, have faith in your endurance. Have faith in the power of prayer.

    Assignment - Be accountable for each other. Don’t judge each other but do keep each other from error. Do so with mercy & grace.