James calls on his Jewish Christian brethren who are experiencing hardship throughout the world in following Christ to hold strong and rely on God. He talks of trials, endurance and faith.
Read James 1:1-12
1. When did you last find joy in a trial?
2. Where does our endurance come from?
3. Compare people living in doubt with those who live in faith. What are some key differences?
4. What should a Christian’s perception of success be compared to the world’s?
5. What is rewarded for our endurance?
6. What else is key for us to be rewarded?
Prayer - Are there struggles that your group can pray for? Are faithful to accept God’s answer to your prayer with joy no matter the result?
Assignment - Find joy in the trials. Do not allow yourself to become bitter when things don’t go your way. Think about what a successful life for yourself is.