Review Assignments: Have each group member share what they believe their type of spiritual gift to be (speaking/serving).
We are formed by the hand of God. Jesus gave his life so we might be forgiven and our lives renewed. He did this for the praise of His glory and that our lives would reflect His grace through our service.
In 1st Peter we learned that God gave each of us a gift to serve others. We may have speaking gifts or serving gifts. We are to take our service seriously as stewards of God’s grace in our lives.
Review Romans 12:1-2
1. Why does Paul appeal to the believers in Rome?
2. Review Romans 11:25-36. How has God shown us His mercy? (See vs 29-32)
3. How does understanding God’s mercy to us provide us motive for our service?
The book of Lamentations was written after the nation of Israel was taken into captivity and Jerusalem was destroyed. Jeremiah is lamenting what had happened. In the mist of this horrible situation, he writes about God’s mercy.
4. Read Lamentations 3:22-23 What do you learn about God’s mercy?
5. How does experiencing God’s mercy daily help to keep you motivated to serve Him.
6. What does it mean to present our bodies as a living sacrifice? (Romans 12:1)
7. What was involved in offering a sacrifice in Jesus’ day? How is a living sacrifice different?
8. What is to be the character of our offering? Explain its importance?
9. What does this sacrificial offering have to do with worship? How do you describe worship?
10. What does conformity to the world look like? (12:2) How are we to be different?
11. How do we experience this kind of transformation that Paul is describing?
12. How does this transformation empower us to discern what God’s will is in our lives?
13. How is God’s will described?
14. How have you “tested” God’s will in your life?
Assignment: Prayerfully answer the following questions this week:
1. What motivates you to get up each morning and go to work/school?
2. What is your motivation to work at building healthy relationships at home with your spouse or family, or with friends?
3. Why do you come to church?
4. What inner drive encourages you to serve God with what He has given to you?
For Your Prayer Time: Thank God for His mercy in your life—be specific. Ask Him to transform your life.